Five districts of the Afar region suspected of flooding

Semera, September 4, 2014 – the Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) carried out awareness raising for volunteers about flood prevention in the Afar Dubti area.
Abraham Tesfaye, Coordinator of Innovative Approach for response and Preparedness (IRAP) at the ERCS, who gave a presentation, said that flood prevention work will be done. 2000 sand bags would be given to prevent the disaster, in the Gurmudal area of the Dubti district. One hundred daily workers have been selected to carry out flood prevention work. These workers will be paid 1 thousand birrs per day. Workers will fill up to 2,000 sandbags for three consecutive days starting Monday, September 5, 2022, at 8:00 a.m. One hundred daily workers have been selected to carry out flood prevention work. These workers will be paid 1 thousand birrs per day.
Residents in the flood prone areas will be evacuated and moved to the designated areas, where they will be provided with appropriate food and other support.
Volunteers who took the awareness creation will carry out and coordinate the prevention work in three kebeles. The disaster is likely to occur in five districts of the Afar region, namely Amibara, Asagita, Dubti, Gulecha, and Gewane, while the system will be implemented in Dubti on a pilot basis.
The system ERCS develops, in collaboration with public and international stakeholders, is in the pilot stage, it was learnt.