Former ERCS President, Professor Jemal Abdulkadir Passes Away Professor Jemal Abdulkadir(1935-2013)
August 4, 2014
Professor Jemal Abdulkadir, the prominent medical practitioner and Former President of the Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS), passed at the age of 78 due to natural cause. His body is laid to rest at the Kolfe Muslim Cemetery in Addis Ababa on August 25, 2013. Preofesor Jemal served ERCS as President from 1984-1992 E.C. Apart from his responsibility to the Society, he also participated in various social activities and services at the community level including the Ethiopian Diabetics Association. Professor Jemal Abdulkadir was a Professor of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Addis Ababa University (AAU). He got his degree and diploma (MD CM) from University College of Addis Ababa and Loyola College, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1959), his DCMT from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (1964), and did his postgraduate studies in the Royal Postgraduate School of Medicine, London University (1966), and Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland (1979). His professional service and experience include progressive clinical appointments starting from staff physician at the Princess Tsehai Memorial Hospital to Senior Consultant Physician and Chief of the Endocrinology-Metabolism Unit at the Tikur Anbassa Teaching and Tertiary Referral Hospital (1979-1998). Professor Jemal Abdulkadir had extensive publications that have contributed a lot to medical field. Positions held and services rendered by appointment and election in professional, public and humanitarian organizations include: Head of Department, Internal Medicine; Chairperson of Editorial Board, Ethiopian Medical Journal; President, Ethiopian Medical Association; Minister of Health; Chairperson, Board of Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Center (ALERT); Board member Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI); Chairperson, Ethiopian Red Cross Society. The management and the staff member of Ethiopian Red Cross Society while expressing their deep condolences to their family, they also express their conviction that the tree of humanity that he planted, the time and the deep knowledge he bestowed for the well being of human beings flourishes and bears many more fruits in the year to come.