Hong Kong Youth Volunteers Pay Visit To ERCS
August 5, 2014
A seven Hong Kong Youth Volunteers, who are also university students, paid a visit to the Ethiopian Red Cross Society and its project site from June 11-27, 2013. The visit was aimed at carrying out youth exchange on the ideas and experience on humanity work with the Red Cross Youth Volunteers. During the visit a three-day workshop was organized for the Hong Kong Youths and their Ethiopian counterparts at ERCSs Training Institute. The workshop was aimed at creating a forum where youths of both countries to have fruitful discussions on humanitarian values, international humanitarian law and team building. Following the workshop, the youth visited West Arsi Branch Office and observed Watsan projects, undertaken by ERCS, serving people in Kofele area. Youths of both countries held a debriefing session with ERCS Secretary General W/ro Frehiwot Worku, and Ato Gebre Alebachew, Dissemination, Voluntary &Membership Department Head on June 26, 2013 at ERCSs Board the Room where the youth reported the activities undertaken, experience gained and challenges faced during the visit. During the debriefing, W/ro Frehiwot underlined the significance of strengthening such youth exchange forum. Joanne Yu, the Hong Kong Youths Leader said the visit helped her team mates to know more about Ethiopia, ERCS and its watsan projects undertaken in Kofele area. She is impressed seeing Ethiopian Youths putting human values in their action. She also complimented that Ethiopian Youths are active and open mind. Bazin Gesess, Ethiopian Youths leader, on his part said his team used the opportunity to make Hong Kong youths know more about Ethiopia and change the perception that they had about Ethiopia and thereby promote Countrys image. Hong Kong Youth volunteers exchange is organized by the International Humanitarian Service Leadership Program (ISLP) which is a youth development under youth & Volunteer Department of the Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC) that focuses on nurturing passion in voluntary work, widening their global horizons and developing leadership skills, with significant emphasis on the humanitarian aspect. It was known that this is the fifth group which visited ERCS.