ERCS Trains SNNPR Branch Heads
September 8, 2014
The Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) provided training on change and human resource management to Zonal and Woreda Red Cross branch Heads of the Sothern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR). The training was held from August 11-12, 2014 at Wolayta Sodo-GUTARA. Opening the Training, Ato Meskele Nedja, a Treasurer at the Wolayta Zonal Red Cross Board indicated that ERCS has been working on a change program which demands building the capacity of the implementers by engaging them in trainings, workshops and experience sharing forums in order to expand its humanitarian and community based developmental activities. He further noted that the training would be of great importance to the Society to pave the way to create change agents within the participants. During the training, participants have discussed on concepts and practices of change in relation to ERCS and its human resource management among others. Ato Daniel Desalegn, a member at the Wolayta Zone Red Cross Board, on his part stated that the training was mainly intended to improve the day-today humanitarian activities of the Society by filling the gaps identified in the process of humanitarian services. Ato Tagesu Nema, ERCS SNNPR Branch Head has also explained about the change plan of the regional branch that served as a mirror for the zonal branches to draft their own zonal change plan accordingly.