ERCS Assists 21,455 Internally Displaced People in Metekel Zone
Ethiopian Red Cross Society assisted 21,455 internally displaced people (IDPs) in Bullen and Dibate Woredas of Metekel Zone of Benshangul-Gumuz Region, from early January to late March, 2021.
The assistance included the distribution of 1,200 quintals of wheat flour and 5,540 liters of edible oil to 10,080 IDPs in the two woredas. Moreover, the Society distributed 700 mattresses, 500 blankets, 2,245 jerry cans, 19,548 pieces of soaps, 1,600 sanitary tissue papers, 1,720 sacks, 4,687 buckets, 400 cups, 604 dignity kits, 2,000 facemasks, 800 liters of sanitizers and 1,600 water treatment chemicals to 13,375 IDPs.
In addition, the Society installed nine tents to shelter 650 persons in Bullen woreda. ERCS also provided 1,342 plump nets, 4,941 sanitizers, 102 water tanks, 35 cartons of drug kits, 26 cartons of milk, six weight measurements and two infant length measurements to Bullen Woreda Health Bureau. The assistance was made in collaboration with the financial contribution of UNICEF and Global Alliance.