How ERCS and Partners Helping People in Need ….
Ethiopian Red Cross Society together with Partner National Societies is working to alleviate the suffering of conflict and violence affected communities in Ethiopia. A 22 million Birr Cash Transfer Program (CTP) which aims to meet the direct humanitarian need of communities in Konso, Derashe and Alle area of SNNPR is one among the many interventions implemented by ERCS and its long standing Partner, Swiss Red Cross.
In 2021 only a total of 1,646 households with more than 11’500 people have received an 8,500 Birr from this particular intervention. Many of the beneficiaries are disabled, elderly, single headed households and victims of intercommunal clashes. The selection criteria which prioritized mostly vulnerable women, was made based on the open and direct consultation with communities in the area.
According to the coordinator of the project, though lengthy and administratively challenging, because many of the recipient did not have ID cards or bank accounts yet, the required additional effort was worth it, as it brings additional long term benefits for the beneficiaries and allows them to take their own decision how and when to spend the money.
Until the end of March 2022, the project is expected to reach out a total of 2’500households in Konso, Derashe and Alle area and its surroundings.