Recognizing Humanitarian Volunteers
Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) recognized a total of 49 volunteers and staffs on 06th April, 2019, who were involved in humanitarian emergency services during the sad crash of Boeing 737 Max 8 plane near Bishoftu Town, on March 10, 2019.
In addition to volunteers and staff members, the Society has assigned 15 ambulances and three surveying vehicles in averting the calamity for a week.
In the recognition ceremony Mr. Mohammed Jemal, Head of ERCS Oromia Regional Branch Office, noted that the regional branch dispatched these volunteers and fifteen ambulances among the first to respond to the crash site.
Dr. Meshesha Shewarega, Secretary General of ERCS, in his message said that the efforts and positive solidarity of our volunteers who answer calls in times of need – despite the incident were beyond their age and expectation – make them to be courageous and symbol of humanity.
“As a Red Cross, we wish to bring such dedicated volunteers to the front. This outstanding youth engagement in humanitarian work gives a brighter hope for the future and you are a bridge for our people being as exemplary of humanity in action,” says Abera Tola, Governing Board President of ERCS.
Volunteers on their part said that we are very pleased for carrying out a voluntary response in this tragic scene. The voluntary service that we have provided has benefited us a lot. To all of us it is a professional and personal rewarding experience.
ERCS volunteers and staff rapidly went to the plane crash area, and they courageously provide vital assistance and support in debris-clearing activities.
ERCS board members, staffs and volunteers, management of the Ethiopian Airlines and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) participated in the recognition event.