Disaster Risk Management

This program encompasses a range of activities aimed at implementing both emergency response and humanitarian development. Some of the emergency response activities include:

  • The establishment and operationalization of the ERCS Emergency Operation Center (EOC),
  • Enhancing information exchange and strengthening early warning systems and early action for disasters,
  • Providing training in first aid, basic psychological support, as well as conducting training and social mobilization efforts focused on hygiene, sanitation, and maternal and child health,
  • Provision of material and cash support for the construction of shelters and other livelihood-related needs,
  • Providing supplementary food, drugs, nonfood items, and restocking animal fodder and drug, and
  • Ambulance procurement and maintenance.

While addressing disaster risk reduction and resilience interventions, the strategy highlights humanitarian development sectors, such as:

  • Food security, environmental protection, and rehabilitation,
  • Promotion of health, hygiene, sanitation, and the facilitation of access to safe and clean water through social mobilization, the supply of health equipment, training, and the establishment of related systems,
  • Reaching out communities through weather forecasting for early disaster action,
  • Establishing system/database for the Society project/program management,
  • Building water harvesting schemes,
  • Participating the community through Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) approach, and
  • Restoring family links (RFL) services to reconnect people.